Interesting Articles

Eyebrow tattoo technique - Powder coating

When do eyebrow tattoo correction? Tattoo is performed only by a doctor or beautician in the salon. At home, this procedure can not be done. The coloring mixture is injected under the skin....

The use of wheat germ oil for eyelash care

Wheat germ oil for eyelashes: effective care - a visible result Natural products for the care of cilia and eyebrows - this is a cheap and safe method to improve the structure and growth of each hair....

Alginate face mask at home

The unique properties of the alginate mask: what it is and what is good for the face Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Do you think it is possible to rejuvenate the skin with a single procedure?...


Ingrown hair in bikini area

What to do with ingrown hair in the bikini area? We suffer pain from hair removal in the bikini area in order to look perfect after epilation. And therefore it is very disappointing when, instead of perfect smoothness, we get just such a picture....

Skin care

Hair care
